Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yay Transparency: ED Leaders' Meeting Minutes!

~ED Leaders' Meeting~

- Refuse: Need to reprint the recycle flyers for refuse
            - Unclear recycling
            - If one thing is misplaced, they throw it all out: must spread this info
- At least one Ecowing member at ED meetings
- Chelsea: will email Arch about who is on the Environmental Committee
- Any email sent to ED account will be forwarded to each of our personal emails!
- Owl Boxes
- Tupperware: Once a week pick up, Yona will talk to Jisoo
- Sort members by year and last name

- Wednesdays or Fridays – best for meetings with Administration and Faculty
-  Sundays – ED meetings!

- Green Consulting!
            - Offer advice for a club or department that is interested in hosting an event
               in a sustainable way
- Blog!
            - Place where we share resources
            - Venue to showcase green activities on campus
            - Eco-warrior of the month!
- Outdoor Movies?

Submitted to EC: Services for other departments:
1)  Connection between any SSU body and the Environmental Committee
We can voice concerns for any department or person. We can also direct students and groups to    relevant administration.
2)  “Green Consulting”
We can offer advice for any department or club that is interested hosted an event in a more sustainable way. This could be as simple as what plates to buy or making your own making your own popcorn instead of buying premade.
3) The Environmental Blog is a venue for showcasing green activities on campus that are otherwise unnoticed or uncelebrated (e.g. students who work in Dr. Robert’s lab). WE also use it to promote various green events on campus.

First ED Meeting:
Sunday September 15th, Gameroom, 7:11pm
Food: Samosas!
Email by Wednesday, September 11th, reminder on Saturday
            Share the mission and purpose of ED
            ED chairs: Share ideas/goals  
            Green Consulting
            Keep it Wild intro
            Open Brainstorming Sesh and Idea Sharing

Next ED leaders Meeting:
- Staircase painting
- Movies per month
- Charter
- Updating the Portal 

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