Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What You Might Not Know about Your Face Wash + Sugar Scrub Recipes

Last night, I was hiding from some homework I didn't want to do... when I stumbled upon this article.

Washington Post
Soka alumnus / past ED chair Nate Maynard added:


Meanwhile, in my bathroom....

Look at all those little micro beads up in there.


No one wants to feel like they're creating “toxic junk food” for cute little fish and turtles, so I've decided to switch over. The article offers,

“How about just using some soap and a washcloth?

I've got an idea you might like even better.

Two words:
sugar scrub

Why? It smells delicious, you get the fun of making it yourself, and you get to eat it if you spill some.

**For more tips on how to clean things without feeling guilty about it (or spending as much $$$!), check out this blog post from last year's eco wing

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