Saturday, March 22, 2014

World Water Day - Links

Did you know...that March 22 is World Water Day?
To celebrate, enjoy these 20 interesting and useful facts about water.

You can also check out this cool interactive website made by the Canadian National Film Board to highlight environmental problems in the Great Lakes as well as reasons to love them. It covers issues from power to chemical spills to history to international policy to human health and more. Even though the focus is on the Great Lakes, these are issues appearing all over the world in all types of water bodies, so it's still relevant to us in Orange County in many ways.

To do our part in Orange County, check out this list of 25 tips to conserve water at home. You can try these out at Soka or even ask your families to participate at home.

The 2014 theme for World Water Day is water and energy, which ties into SSU Sustainability Committee's Energy Challenge starting on campus at the end of this month.

Keep your eyes open for updates!

Hdryoelectric power

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