Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Opinion Corner: RNAi


That stands for RNA interference, and it's essentially a new development in pest control that straight-up stops the target species' genetic information from working. In other words, it's GMO and then some.

The details are in this New York Times article.

I don't have much to say about this except that I think it's another way to avoid actually dealing with the problems that stem from industrial agriculture. Technologically advanced as it is, it can only ever be a bandaid because it doesn't deal with the core issues, which are all socially constructed. The problem is not root rot or bee mites, it's our choice to attack those problems in he way that we do. To me, RNAi is like developing technology to make your Spanish textbook walk around the room...rather than just studying it.

What do we do when pests become resistant to this too, Monsanto?

What do you think?
Is it better to act now because of urgency and something must be done OR spend more time researching to find a better solution?
Feel free to comment below!

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