Friday, November 1, 2013

Upcoming Events for the Month of November

Upcoming Events

This page will be updated throughout the month, so keep checking back for updates! 

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November is Clean Air Month

 To learn more about promoting clear air or to find more ways to help, contact Chelsea Dugger.

With Thanks Giving coming up, we're also promoting food waste reduction. Keep your eyes peeled for our Food Waste Reduction Challenge in the cafeteria--coming soon!

This Month at the SIG

Most of the new plants are in the ground now, but these babies still need taking care of... Come get a work out and some Vitamin D at the SIG!


Our first meeting this month was on Sunday the 3rd.
The next meeting will be on Sunday the 17th at 7:11 pm in the 315 living room.

Other News

We finally bought new tupperware!! It should be arriving sometime in the next few days. No more running out at meal times!

Also, beginning this week and continuing next week, a group of ED members will begin a series of student-designed  after school classes for 4th graders at the elementary school just down the hill from Soka in conjunction with Savannah's Organic Ranch. The class subjects will include California native plants, pollinators, and fossil fuels in goods transportation / the true origins of our everyday goods. If the classes prove successful, this project will likely continue in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates on these topics!

Upcoming Events

As usual, Keep it Wild will be happening on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Saturday the 16th
It's down at the canyon's official entrance off the road that's the short cut to Alicia: technically a walkable distance if you're willing to get up early.You have to arrive by 7:50 a.m. in order to be able to start working at 8:00 a.m. since you have to sign a waiver with the rangers each time.

On Thursday the 21st from 9:30 pm -11
in the 300 MRP
ED will be hosting a showing of Wall-E, followed by an informal discussion about environmental themes in kids movies, led by Yona and Ranya. Feel free to bring your homework and some tea!

Also on Thursday,
5 students from Monika Calef's GIS class have been awarded grant money to attend a Regional GIS conference in Redlands, CA.

Updates, experiences, and photos from the event to follow!

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