Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Upcoming Events for the Month of October

Upcoming Events

This page will be updated throughout the month, so keep checking back for updates! 

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October is Bra Recycling Month

Support the fight against breast cancer 
help divert waste from landfills! 

If you have bras that are gently used or unworn, you can mail them to the 
Bra Recyclers to redistribute to shelters and underdeveloped countries. If your bras are falling apart, send them to the Bra Recycling Agency to be pulverized into carpet padding. If you're feeling crafty and adventurous, you can try making a bra purse. For more ideas for how to reuse your unmentionables, check out this webpage

The Soka Instructional Garden (SIG)
Weeding Wednesdays: 4:45 - 5:45 pm every week
Garden Party Sundays: 10 am every week

On Friday the 18th there will also be a celebration of the full moon there, which means music, silliness, and some biodynamic planting! Don't know what this is? Swing by and find out!

Sunday October 6th
Sunday October 20th
7:11 pm
Game Room

Sunday October 6th
Environmental Department can no longer offer transportation for Soka students, but we still encourage you to find a way there to check it out on your own. Find the details here.

The Solar Decathlon at Irvine Great Park
The event goes from October 3rd-6th and 10th-13th
Friday the 11th is the career fair. On Saturday the 12th there will be a bus leaving Soka at noon and returning at 3:30 pm. Waivers must be submitted to Yona by Thursday the 10th. Details can be found here.

Keeep It Wild 
Saturday the 19th
It's down at the canyon's official entrance off the road that's the short cut to Alicia: technically a walkable distance if you're willing to get up early.You have to arrive by 7:50 a.m. in order to be able to start working at 8:00 a.m. since you have to sign a waiver with the rangers each time. Chelsea and Masae are both willing to drive--first come first serve!

Community Symposium 
on Decommissioning SanOnofre

Saturday the 19th
1:30-4:30 pm
For more information check here.

LA Green Festival
Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th
The cost is $10 for a day pass. We are not providing transportation, but we recommend taking the metrolink out of Laguna Nigel if you are interested. Find more information here.

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